Wednesday, October 21, 2009

at 21

"at 21 you are more powerful than you can ever imagine"
-Alexandra Potter

When we are young, we imagine ourselves doing the extraordinary. Don't you think its ironic that when we enter school, our ambitions range from conquering the outer space and flying jet planes to becoming prime minister and ruling a country. And yet, when we leave school, many have settled for complete mediocrity. Gone are the great ambitions, and we are left with the bored-inary wishes of becoming yet another commonplace worker in whatever field we choose to enter.

Isn't the education system suppose to inspire? Inspire thought and creativity? Spark excitement and nurture greatness?


I stop and look around, I shudder at how many people I see that are 'tired'. We are young! We should be full of zest and excitement. You should feel delighted and happy doing whatever you're doing.

Life stretches before us, full of possibilities and chances and opportunities. We have the power to do anything we want, achieve and accomplish anything we want, should we only want it. And yet, why is it that so many people seem to not want it?

I am not saying that everyone should set their goals to be the next Bill Gates or Neil Armstrong. But, on second thought, why not? Why is it that as we grow older, we settle for less and less. Who says we can't do more? Who says we can't have more? We only get to live once. This one lifetime. Why should we spend it doing what everyone else have done. Why shouldn't we aspire to be different, aspire for greatness, aspire for the extraordinary?

Don't let the everyday routine and toll of daily demands dull your sparkle. If things get difficult, pause, recharge and go at it again. I don't care if this sounds cliched. I don't care if I sound like a self-help book gone wrong. I am just writing what I believe to be true right now. Enjoy life. Set your goals. Set them high and then have fun working hard to reach it. Go through life with zest and excitement. Be curious and thankful. Be excellent.

We can conquer the this world and beyond.
Fellow youths,
We are powerful.