Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Thin Line

There is this Thin Line.
It divides the world and everything in it.
People are controlled by it, whether they know it or not.
It has many names.
And it is strong, unbreakable.
Yet, The Thin Line is elusive.
Look for it, and you may not find it.
Sit still, and you might find you already have it.

Determined by intention,
Manifested in action.

The Thin Line,
..that divides between Right and Wrong.


Anonymous said...


gua ske blog lu..
byk tersirat dr tersurat..
tp gua rs mcm pnah dgr psl thin line ni..
thin line?..
uh uh uh uh...

Jumper said...

pnh dgr? kat mane ye.. ahaks.